Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Day 10: May 17th

Today we took a really long drive up to the PPG factory, which is where they experiment with different paint colors and techniques.  This tour was one of my favorite tours so far, because I thought the process of making paint was very interesting, and I particularly liked all the different paint swatches they had on display.

They walked us through the different laboratories, although I was slightly confused because I was expecting large batches of paint and huge mixers and boxes of different chemicals, etc.  Instead, their laboratory looked like a high school chemistry room, with long rows of desks and random buckets of paint thrown on the counters.  However, the tour was very interesting, and they showed us the mini factory line they had where they could test different paint batches.

We weren't allowed to take any pictures while we were there, so the only picture I got was of my name tag.

Also, the PPG guys fed us lunch, which was very nice.  Every day for this entire trip our lunches have consisted of either pretzels or weird little sandwiches.  Today there was both but I had one of the weird sandwiches.  On the roll was brie cheese, one single slice of pepper, one end of a tomato, one slice of a hard boiled egg, and lettuce.  Although the combination of food is strange and ill- assorted, the sandwiches always taste good and they feel re-energizing, instead of heavy like American bread.

After we got back from PPG, our SGL group met up at a really cute bakery on the university's campus, where we finished up the PowerPoint and assigned different slides to different people.  I loved working at the cafè because I felt like a real Augsburg student.  From there, I went to Capitol for dinner with Sam and Katie, where I got one of their famous burgers.

The burger was amazing, and the potatoes it came with almost reminded me of the breakfast potatoes at Market.

After dinner, I came home and hung out in Sam's room to work a bit on my part of the presentation before getting ready for bed early.  Today was also very relaxing, and I had a lot of time to do all the work that I needed to get done, and still had time to socialize and hang out with some of the girls on our trip.  

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