Friday, May 20, 2016

Day 13: May 20th

Our last day!! I can't believe how fast this trip has flown by- how has it already been two weeks??

Today we went to Reigele's brewery today with most of the Germans for our last breakfast together.  The restaurant has a breakfast special called "Breakfast Pint," which is just a pint of beer, a pretzel and two breakfast sausages.  It was a very weird mix of food to have for breakfast, but it all tasted really good so I guess I see why it's popular.

My breakfast

It's hard to name everyone, but me, Veronica, Sophia, Lucie, Alex, Sam, Christian, Dennis and Lindsey

 After breakfast, everyone split up to walk around Augsburg and grab any last minute souvenirs that they needed.  I went to the mall with Lindsey and Katie, and I managed to buy everything I needed.

We went home and took a quick nap, and then we met up with a bunch of the Germans in a park.  German Patrick brought a grill, so we all grilled sausages and chicken and a bunch of other meats.  They also brought dough, and showed us how to wrap it around a stick to cook, like a bread version of a hotdog or a s'more.   This BBQ dinner was probably one of my favorite memories of the trip, because you could move around talk to everyone, rather than the people you're sitting next to at a restaurant.  Also, making our own food was a very fun memory.  This dinner is our last dinner in Augsburg, so I'm glad we made it a fun afternoon out, and we got to say another goodbye to all the German students.
Christian, Alex, Sophia and Patrick's girlfriend  Vanessa

Dan grilling some of the sausages with Caro and Dennis.  

The bread dough sticks

Grilling our bread and meat

Everyone hanging out while the food was cooking

Patrick decided to climb a tree here, and he got so high that I was worried a branch would fall off or something.

One final picture of our grill

After our BBQ dinner, we went out to this skybar that was decorated like a beach, with sand on the ground, and beach umbrellas and lounge chairs.  No one got any drinks, but it was nice to be able to look up at the stars and talk with everyone for one last time.   

As a whole, today was an amazing day, especially since it was our last day.  I'm glad that our last day will be a really fun day to look back on and laugh about with everyone, both the Germans and the Americans.

I got most of the German's facebook and instragram names, so hopefully we'll be able to keep in touch over the years.  Many of them plan on coming to America eventually, and I plan on being in Spain next spring, so we'll be close enough to get together at some point hopefully.  At the skybar, Caro said to me "Everyone always meets at least twice.  It's not possible to become friends and never see each other again."  I really like this quote, because it gives me hope that I'll see some of the Germans again sometime.  

Tomorrow morning we leave for the airport.  Goodbye Augsburg! I know I'll come back someday. 

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